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Many of us have fond memories of our school days, and are proud of the academic excellence schools achieve. You want to support your school. Whether or not you have the money to make a gift now, you can leave part of your estate to the general fund or a specific school or department in Jordan School District to help future generations and leave a lasting legacy.



There are several different ways to leave money to the school district of your choice. Specifically, you can:

  • Leave a specific monetary bequest in your will. For example, you can leave a certain dollar amount to your school.

  • Leave a specific property bequest in your will. You also have the option of leaving a certain piece of property, such as a valuable piece of art or an important book, to your school.

  • Leave a percent of your residuary estate in your will. You may leave a certain percentage of what is left of your estate after all specific bequests have been made.

  • Create a charitable remainder trust that names your school as the beneficiary. Thus, when you die, the school becomes the trust beneficiary.

  • Name the school as the beneficiary of your retirement account. This will pass outside of probate and could leave significant funds to your college or university.

Other estate planning options may also exist that meet your needs and help you leave money to your school.


  • Endowments

  • One-time gifts of long-term appreciated stocks and securities

  • Life Insurance policies to be used as specified by the donor

  • Honorary and Memorial Gifts established to honor living or deceased family or friends

Contact Us

Tel: 801-567-8125



© Jordan Education Foundation


7387 South Campus View Drive

West Jordan, UT 84084-5500

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