Nearly 23% of students in Jordan School District live in economically difficult circumstances. Many of these students don’t get enough to eat.
Facing hunger can mean different things. Maybe there is no food in the house and no money to buy any. Maybe there’s food, but not enough to last through the end of the month, so parents skip meals, or kids get smaller portions than they need. Most families that need help have parents who are working, but it is still not enough.
Whatever the situation, student learning and success drops dramatically when kids don’t have reliable access to enough healthy food.
Thanks to many generous donors, Jordan Education Foundation has established a PRINCIPAL’S PANTRY in EVERY one of our 61 schools! These pantries supply extra food items for the weekend or even a small snack during school hours. Nearly 4,000 student families access Principal’s Pantries on a weekly basis with many more who need help but don’t ask for it.
With recent, state mandated school closures and surrounding circumstances, student hunger is on the rise while school is out of session. When school is out, student hunger goes up!
During this time of school dismissal, Jordan School District is providing “GRAB-AND-GO” school breakfast and lunch at elementary schools Monday-Friday. To complement the District, Jordan Education Foundation would like to provide additional food items to address hunger beyond these two meals. This increase in distribution has diminished typical resources, making it difficult to address student needs at this precarious time.
Jordan Education Foundation keeps our Principal’s Pantries stocked thanks to cash and in-kind donations from caring individuals in our community. Cash donations can either be mailed to our office or submitted online anytime HERE. Please indicate online in the notes section that your donation is for Principal’s Pantries. Weekend kits as well as any other non-perishable food items can be delivered to Oquirrh Elementary School by appointment only to reduce human contact and maintain our efforts in social distancing. Please contact Randy White at 801-567-8178 to make an appointment.