Outstanding Educator Awards
Jordan Education Foundation recognizes and honors superior teachers with a track record of improving student achievement, using innovative instructional strategies, and making a difference in the lives of their students. These teachers are among a select few highlighted as Outstanding Educators who are making a difference in the classroom. The annual JEF Outstanding Educators Awards publicly honor and recognize educators who raise the bar of their profession.
Please use the SUBMISSION FORM to submit a 2025 Outstanding Educator or Special Educator.
Higher consideration and scores will go to submissions that include specific stories and compelling examples describing your nominee. These examples can come from colleagues, parents, and/or students. Members of the JEF Awards Recognition Committee will read each submission and rate each of the categories below from 1 to 5.
Educators are selected by the school with submissions completed by a principal,
school administrators, and/or colleagues. All submisions must be approved
by the school principal prior to submitting.
Only ONE submission will be accepted per school.
The submission must be approved by the school principal.
The submission may be an educator OR a special educator.
Educators may only win once during their teaching career
Due Date
Submission open December 9, 2024
Submissions due by 11:59 pm January 16, 2025.
Review Process
Submissions will be reviewed and scored by the JEF Awards Recognition committee based on 2025 SUBMISSION GUIDELINES and application.
Every nominee will be recognized by Jordan Education Foundation at their school.
The top 10-12 nominees will be recognized at JEF's Annual Awards Banquet held in April and sponsored by area business partners. The Awards Banquet will also celebrate one Outstanding Principal (selected by district administrators) and one scholarship recipient from the seven
District high schools. A $1,000.00 check is awarded to each of thse recipients.